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Science Questions

  1. Identify the experimental variable.

A:  Our variable was number of rubber bands. We added more every time.

     2.     Identify the variables you controlled or kept the same.

A:  The variables we kept the same were the winds (25), and the load (none), and the slope (no slope).

      3.  What happened to the distance as your variable changed?

A:  The more rubber bands we had the farther it went even with the same number of winds. We had to spread the chairs farther each time because if the plane hit the chair we wouldn’t know how far it really went.

      4. Looking at your graph is there any data that’s seems out of place? Why do you think so?

A:  On my graph I don’t think any thing is out of place because every time we added a rubber band it went up on the graph. That is what my graph shows.

       5. What would you do differently next time?

A:  Next time I think I would maybe try to choose the number of winds with logic. I would try to have a reason why I chose that number. It took us over 5 times to get the right standard!

Thank you for reading Science Questions!

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